Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Erin Wasson Seems Cool

From Fashionista

Even if you’re not in LA, you probably heard about Erin Wasson’s garage sale, where she practically emptied out her closet and sold her Wang and Balenciaga (among others) for $100 per piece.

It sounded fun, it benefited charity, but many wondered aloud why you would clear your closet so ruthlessly (the last time we tried this, we ended up with a Hefty bag full of Urban Outfitters from high school, which we’re pretty sure nobody was willing to buy) when your average dress comes from Fendi instead of Forever. Turns out, there was a real reason behind it:

In this weekend’s Guardian, Erin described her dream closet, “a rolling rack and it’s like your four T-shirts, your five dresses, your two pairs of jeans,” which Erin considers to be “very Japanese” and a more “utilitarian” approach than what she had pre-sale.

So there you have it. The next time you see Erin in a party dress, you might be able to talk her into giving it to you in exchange for a donation. Just start the conversation with konnichiwa.

Chad Vangaalan and Women

Friday, March 20, 2009

Robert Effing Pattinson

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

David Bazan